unimaginable horror
<< Sep 27, 2005 @ 20:45 >>
"That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons even death may die."
That's no squid.
Reader Comments...
September 28, 2005 @ 15:39:22
sith33 (#999)
That's no Cthulhu!
September 28, 2005 @ 15:57:53
xopl (#001)
"You're eating brains out the back of my head. Oh yeah, that's where the money is."
I'm sorry? What? The Spinto Band is on crack.
September 28, 2005 @ 15:59:31
xopl (#001)
I suppose it could be "You're weaving braids out the back of my head." I don't know what either has to do with gnomes.
July 11, 2006 @ 02:35:55
not prosthetics (guest)
thats a squid, bro.
July 11, 2006 @ 15:48:57
xopl (#001)
Are you sure?
September 21, 2006 @ 20:35:02
not Onyxnight (guest)
Oh, come on! A few months ago Japanese scientists captured a previously unseen type of Giant Squid on video. THIS is a picture of that squid swimming towards bait.
September 22, 2006 @ 01:43:47
xopl (#001)
Definitely not a simple squid. Definitely some sort of eldar god.
November 23, 2006 @ 10:26:19
not Rlye (guest)
Cthulhu is big enough to kill you by merely blinking (you will be crushed between his eyelids) that's to small
it's a great shot of a giant squid tough =) I must admit I like it
September 29, 2008 @ 07:50:01
not Sparky (guest)
Good pic, but not nearly large enough to be Cthulhu. A shot of Cthulhu would be on a much larger scale, and you wouldn't be able to fit that many tenticles in the screen without getting the whole thing.
November 10, 2008 @ 15:36:09
not mikikikikikikik (guest)
no guys, its The Squid King: The Cthulhu impersonators story......