i love you internets
<< Mar 7, 2006 @ 11:30 >>
So I wanted to hear some William Shatner on the Radio K, but the DJ told me:
just played yesterday, sorry. something else?
Of course, I responded as anyone would. I told the DJ that the Shatner cannot be detained by these mortal music rules and their finite limitations. The Shatner is the Alpha and the Omega!
So, what's a Xopl to do? He's gotta hear his Shatner. I went onto the internets, trying to figure out how I could hear it for free. I found this Radio.Blog.Club website, typed in William Shatner ... low and behold, there it was! Common People! Listening right now.
I <3 you, Internets.
Reader Comments...
March 8, 2006 @ 14:34:12
not TKwong (guest)
Even Shatner is bound by the mighty chains of DJ Pro rules.
It's a very long story, but let's just say ol' Paunchy can't leap over bolders like he used to.