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vikings' sex cruise

<< Aug 27, 2006 @ 01:53 >>

Anybody who was anybody was on the sold-out Attitude City sex cruise tonight on Lake Minnetonka. I'm tellin' yas, buy your tickets for next year right now. The music was rad, the boat was long, the drinks were wet, the spiders were many... Hell even Paul's co-worker with the scary hair cut was on the boat. I guess Jesse is in Vegas, so that's a decent excuse.

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August 27, 2006 @ 06:35:45

chimp.pngpaularms (#1017)

The drinks were wet, but Zach wasn't soaked...

At least Jesse gave me a real drunk dial. Heh.

August 27, 2006 @ 12:51:37

coleco.pngxopl (#001)

Jesse left me a drunk voice mail that basically amounts to squealing. Pretty amazing.

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