eavesdropping a deuce
<< Dec 6, 2004 @ 04:31 >>
Dear father of the South American family that was shopping in aisle 9 tonight,
I fucking speak Spanish, dipshit. I'm not ugly, YOU ARE! And, chingé tu madre!
Reader Comments...
December 6, 2004 @ 17:00:11
74 (#074)
funny, i don't know any spanish at all besides what you just said...
December 6, 2004 @ 23:18:56
sith33 (#999)
You're not me-pretty though
December 10, 2004 @ 16:59:14
not Tara (guest)
you mean "douche"?
December 11, 2004 @ 02:17:29
xopl (#001)
no, it was a word play... eavesdropping / dropping a deuce